No, this isn't Nicky Hilton- It's
Tippi Hedren, one of Hitchcock's leading ladies and today's featured fashion icon.
Tippi was doing some modeling and
commercial work to support her little daughter when Hitch spotted her in a commercial for soda or gum or something. He got a hold of her agent and made her a star with
The Birds and
Marnie, a movie I reviewed a few weeks back.

I am in love with these hairstyles they gave her- I don't know who did hair on these movies, but kudos to them- she looks so elegant. Hitchcock spent a lot of money carefully grooming her and went as far as to try to take over the way she dressed in her personal life. Shit, he did a good job, I don't know why anyone is complaining...He said he wanted to make her the next Grace Kelly (who was done with film because she became Her Royal Serene Highness of Monaco) and Tippi said she would rather be the first Tippi Hedren than the next Grace Kelly.

Hitchcock thought she should be grateful for him making her a star...and...kind of thought she owed him. He made her experience on Marnie a really bad one. He propositioned her in her dressing room- no matter that he was married- and she turned him down.

He told her she would never work in Hollywood again and kept her under contract so she couldn't do other films for two years. After that she went on to make 40 more films.
I love her (or is it Hitchcock's?) style, and for that, she is on the esteemed SPRINKLES AND PUFFBALLS!