If I could just buy anything I wanted, I would hook myself up with this furniture and decorate with these pretty things. A girl can dream. Above is a gorgeous dressing table, at which I would sit and look quite glamourous.

A nice, fat, rounded sofa/chair would be

and I would throw this chair in to mix things up

I love these crystal lamps- I might change the shade though. I also love these old ornate mirrors.

And a nice bouquet of fresh flowers would need to be near

as well as a pretty, heavy candy dish

I LOVE stripes- call me weird.

I could be quite dramatic while lounging on this beautiful couch/settee

This is like, from some Christie's auction somewhere. But it needs to be mine.

This would go in my bedroom

along with lots of printed pillows

And crazy Rococo mirrors

This green couch is divine!

These flowers would be next to it

And I would serve you tea in pretty cups, while you sit and gossip with me

under this very chandelier- I am just sick for chandeliers. I need one in every room.

I like this headboard- although the rest is quite insane. Maybe this will go in the guest room, for you to use when you pass out drinking too much champagne.

I will make very important decisons while seated in this chair.

I will have lots of antique clocks in the house, naturally

This looks like something I would spill wine on, but I love it so...
And lastly, I would have a little stool in my closet, for sitting on to put on my shoes.
I will invite you over when everything is in order!