Okay guys- I know tea cups are for old ladies..but..(small voice)
I love them.
I own not one of these cups featured (except for the Royal Albert Blossom Time one)- I only have five or six, but that is only because I haven't seen any pink or yellow ones at the antique stores around here.

I have one just like this one above, except it is in a pale blue. It is by
Aynsley, which is my favorite tea set china above all. They have lots of gilt edges, scallops and pinks- well- not the new stuff, I am talking the old stuff from the 1800's through the 1930's, when all furniture and decor looked, well, better in general. Anyway, I only have the plate left because my toddler shattered the tea cup with this bouncy ball that has an eyeball in it.

I forgot what this one is called ! Something about a handmaiden or something- anyway, I love it as well!

Any tea cup that looks like a flower? Is so right up my alley.

(sighs) So pretty.

I would beg borrow or steal for this one

I have this one (just the plate and it's on the wall) and it is my second favorite- Royal Albert.
Okay, now I am off to rock in a rocking chair and eat prunes.