Did any of you have the good fortune to have this barbie POOL when you were a kid? I wanted this so bad! I dug a hole out in the dirt and put a
Tupperware bowl filled with water in it, to try and make my own pool. Needless to say it left a lot to be desired!

I always wanted this Barbie McDonald's stand as well- maybe it is something about playing restaurant- I always liked playing games were business was involved in some way, even if it was the shilling of fast food. (As
if Barbie ever ate McDonald's with that waistline.)

Now this, I had. The Barbie
Motor home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom picked it up from a garage sale or something, because it wasn't in the box when we got it. But it was the best! We even rode on it like a little car down the hallway! I LOVED playing with it.

Here is the box I never saw

Now would you look at this? A Barbie bathroom! I am not surprised to see a pink toilet over there. I wish I had this bathroom. I wouldn't let anyone in.

Here is a bunch of stuff in glorious eighties boxes. Sigh. Just that hot pink with white and purple writing- I didn't care if it was Barbie's dog shit scooper, I was excited.

My sister and I each had one of these Barbie condos and we really liked them! They were awesome.

Dude...this is the
mothership of all Barbie toys: The Barbie dream house. My friend Erin gave me one, after I was kind of not into Barbie anymore (nor was she) and I traded mine for a Cabbage Patch Kid at a consignment store in the Valley.

Here is the box for the pool. Didn't you freak when you unwrapped boxes like these? I did!

Did you guys know there was a Dream Cottage? Not to be confused with the Dream House? She had a place in The Country I guess! A little love nest!